PS Vita MLTHaKu [MiraLaTijera & Dragon] - Consoleinfo
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PS Vita MLTHaKu [MiraLaTijera & Dragon]

SD2Vita Installation on HenKaKu w/out Memory Card

Following the release of MLTactivator from developer's MiraLaTijera (MLT) & Dragon
are back at it again with a new release called MLTHaKu which aids in the installation of SD2Vita without the need of a memory card. As MLT did in the PS3 Community the dev and his crew are making some great advances for the PS Vita. As @pinky stated "very handy for people with a 1K system" , full details can be seen in the Release quote, i made several common sense fixes but be aware this is a Google Translation, better translation are always welcomed.

  • It facilitates the process and installs the gamesd plugin for the sd2vita permanently in the PS Vita.
  • Replaces MolecularShell with VitaShell and installs Vita Homebrew Browser and installer of "Henkaku Ensō"
  • No longer requires an official memory for the normal use of the PS Vita as the installation of MLTHaKu

  • Playstation Vita with firmware 3.60 installed
  • SD2VITA with memory previously formatted in exFAT (more information on how to format it here
  • The file

PS Vita without having previously installed Henkaku or SD2Vita
  1. Insert the Micro SD in the pc and extract in it the contents of the file "" (only if the memory is clean and does not contain any file of the PS Vita)
  2. We removed the official memory of the PS Vita with the console off and inserted the SD2Vita with Micro SD
  3. We turn on the console, open the browser and go to the following link "".
  4. When the process is finished, we open the "Henkaku ensō" installer and install "Henkaku Ensō" (if you had it installed, reinstall it).
  5. When the vita is restarted, the SD2Vita will be permanently mounted.
PS Vita with Henkaku or Henkaku ensō previously installed without SD2Vita previously installed

  1. Insert the Micro SD in the pc and extract in it the contents of the file ""
  2. With the console on and Henkaku / Henkaku loaded, we open VitaShell or MolecularShell, we go to ur0 delete the folder "Tai" and turn off the console.
  3. We removed the official memory of the PS Vita with the console off and inserted the SD2Vita with the Micro SD.
  4. We turn on the console, open the browser and go to the following link "".
  5. When the process finishes, we open the installer of "Henkaku ensō" and install "Henkaku Ensō" (if you had it previously installed, reinstall it).
  6. When the vita is restarted, the SD2Vita will be permanently mounted.
PS Vita with Henkaku or Henkaku ensō previously installed with SD2Vita previously installed

  1. With the console on and Henkaku / Henkaku loaded, we open VitaShell or MolecularShell, we go to ur0 delete the folder "Tai" and turn off the console.
  2. We removed the official memory of the PS Vita with the console off and inserted the SD2Vita with the Micro SD.
  3. We turn on the console, open the browser and go to the following link "".
  4. When the process finishes, we open the installer of "Henkaku ensō" and install "Henkaku Ensō" (if you had it previously installed, reinstall it).
  5. When the vita is restarted, the SD2Vita will be permanently mounted.

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